发布时间:2023-01-17 作者: 来源: 浏览次数:
姓名 |
阳燕 |
性别 |
女 |
出生日期 |
职称 |
副主任医师,副研究员 |
传真 |
- |
yangyancsu@csu.edu.cn |
[学习经历] 2012/09 - 2015/06, 四川大学,华西口腔医学院,口腔专业医学,博士 2005/09 - 2012/06, 中南大学,口腔医学院,口腔专业医学,硕士(七年制)
[工作经历] 2021.09 - 至今 中南大学湘雅口腔医院 副主任医师 2015.07 - 2021.09 中南大学湘雅口腔医院 主治医师/讲师 2016.04 - 2019.03 中南大学 材料科学与工程流动站 博士后 [学术兼职] 湖南省口腔医学会口腔修复学专业委员会委员 湖南省口腔医学会口腔美学专业委员会委员 湖南省生物材料学会理事
[研究方向] 口腔疾病相关微生物基础研究,种植修复相关生物材料基础研究,口腔医学临床研究
[发表论文] 1.第一作者或通讯作者论文 1)Yang Yan#, Wang Yuehong, Li Kun, Zhou Hongbo, Zhang Hongyu, Yang Yingming, Zhao Zhili. Implementation of mind mapping with problem-based learning in prosthodontics course for Chinese dental students. BMC Medical Education 2023, 23(1):530. 2)Yang Yan#, He Hailun, Yang Fenghui, Liu Pingting, Lei Lei*, Zhao Zhili*, Hu Tao. Streptococcus mutans dexA affects exopolysaccharides production and biofilm homeostasis. Molecular Oral Microbiology. Molecular Oral Microbiology. 2023, 38(2):134-144. 3)杨凤徽, 杨远超, 林孟纬, 何欣仪,阳燕*. 义齿性口腔炎的发病机制和防治[J]. 中南大学学报(医学版), 2023, 48(9):1411-1418. 4)Liu Pingting#, Zhao Zhili, Tang Jincheng, Wang Anqi, Zhao Dapeng*,Yang Yan*. Early Antimicrobial Evaluation of Nanostructured Surfaces Based on Bacterial Biological Properties. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 2022, 8(11):4976-4986. 5)Yang Yan#, Mao Mengying, Lei Lei, Li Meng, Yin Jiaxin, Ma Xinrong, Tao Xiang, Yang Yingming, Hu Tao*. Regulation of water- soluble glucan synthesis by the Streptococcus mutans dexA gene effects biofilm aggregation and cariogenic pathogenicity. Molecular Oral Microbiology. 2019; 00:1-13. 6)Bai Rushui#, Bai Mingshan, Zhao Zijia, Chen Ningxin,Yang Yan*, Tang Zhangui*. Alternation of supragingival microbiome in patients with cirrhosis of different Child-Pugh scores. Oral Diseases. 2022, 28(1):233-242. 7)张春雨#, 胡宝阳, 冯 瑶, 张万芬, 孙磊叶,阳燕*. 与骨缺损区域骨组织再生相匹配的新型硅酸钙(基)支架的性能优化[J]. 中国组织工程研究, 2022, 26(21): 3421-3428. 8)Zhang Sheng#, Xiong Tengteng, Li Sainan, Liu Xinyu,Yang Yan*, Zhao Zhili*. Double thread suspension: a novel technique to facilitate end-to-side venous anastomosis with a microvascular coupling device in head and neck reconstruction. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2021 Sep;79(9):1954-1962. 9)Yan Yang#, Hui Yang, Hongying Pan, Jue Xu, Tao Hu*. Evaluation and new classification of alveolar bone dehiscences using cone-beam computed tomography in vivo. International Journal of Morphology. 2015. 33(1):361-368. 10)阳燕#, 杨英明, 胡涛*. 原核微生物基因敲除策略的研究进展[J]. 国际口腔医学杂志, 2016, 43(05): 578-583. 11)唐尔攸#,阳燕*. 药物缓解口腔美白引起牙齿敏感的研究进展[J]. 口腔医学, 2019, 39(06): 569- 572+576.
2.既非第一作者又非通讯作者论文 1)Zhur Olena#,Yang Yan, Yin TingTing, Yan XiaoTao, Rao HaiLian, Xiao Xun, Xiao Dong, Wu CuiLing, He HaiLun*. Simultaneous preparation of antioxidant peptides and lipids from microalgae by pretreatment with bacterial proteases. Bioresource Technology. 2022, 22;348:126759. 2)Lei Lei#,Yang Yan, Yang Yingming, Wu Shizhou, Ma Xinrong, Mao Mengying*, Hu Tao*. Mechanisms by Which Small RNAs Affect Bacterial Activity. Journal of Dental Research. 2019, 98(12): 1315-1323. 3)Lei Lei#, Shao Meiying#,Yang Yan, Mao Mengying, Yang Yingming, Hu Tao*. Exopolysaccharide dispelled by calcium hydroxide with volatile vehicles related to bactericidal effect for root canal medication [J]. Journal of applied oral science : revista FOB, 2016, 24(5): 487-495. 4)雷芳草#,阳燕,张剑英. Hsp100/Clp ATPase 对变异链球菌毒力表达的调控及机制的研究进展[J/CD]. 中华口腔医学研究杂志(电子版),2018,12(3):190⁃194. 5)Yang Yingming#, Guo Bin, Guo Liyang,Yang Yan, Hong Xiao, Pan Hongyin, Zou Wenling*, Hu Tao*. CBCT-Aided Microscopic and Ultrasonic Treatment for Upper or Middle Thirds Calcified Root Canals [J]. BioMed research international, 2016:4793146. 6)Mao Mengying#, Yang Yingming#, Li Kezeng#, Lei Lei, Li Meng,Yang Yan, Tao Xiang, Yin Jiaxin, Zhang Ru, Ma Xinrong*, Hu Tao*. The rnc gene promotes exopolysaccharide synthesis and represses the vicRKX gene expressions via microRNA-size small RNAs in Streptococcus mutans [J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7. 7)Lei Lei#, Yang Yingming#, Mao Mengying, Li Hong, Li Meng,Yang Yan, Yin Jiaxin, Hu Tao*. Modulation of Biofilm Exopolysaccharides by the Streptococcus mutans vicX Gene [J]. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015, 6:1432. 8)周红波,李毅萍,庞丹琳,阳燕,易芳,肖鹏*,TBL教学法在口腔修复学理论教学中的初步应用及学生认知度调查,中国医学教育技术,2016,31(2): 84~87
[专利] 阳燕,刘娉婷,赵志立,闫毓杰,孙凯,白如水,一种去除牙间隙固化粘接剂的微创装置,实用新型专利,专利号:ZL201920999013.2,授权公告日:2020年4月28日。
[联系方式] 地址:长沙市开福区湘雅路72号中南大学湘雅口腔医院口腔修复科/种植中心(410083) 电话:18182129703 (8:00-12:00 14:30-17:30) E-mail:yangyancsu@csu.edu.cn |